Chronic Dacryocystitis

Chronic Dacryocystitis

Chronic dacryocystitis is a condition that arises due to the inflammation and blockage of the tear duct. Tears are important for keeping the surface of the eye moist and for cleaning away foreign substances. Dacryocystitis occurs when the drainage of tears is obstructed due to a blockage or narrowing of the tear duct.

1. Symptoms:

  • Swelling and tenderness around the eye
  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Watery eyes or a feeling of dry eye

2. Causes

  • The primary cause of dacryocystitis is the blockage or narrowing of the tear duct.
  • Infections, aging, eye trauma, congenital anatomical abnormalities, or previous eye surgeries can increase the risk of dacryocystitis.

3. Diagnosis:

  • An eye doctor will assess the symptoms and usually conduct a special examination to determine the condition of the tear duct.
  • Tests using colored drops or fluorescent dyes can provide information about the location and severity of the blockage.

4. Treatment:

  • Treatment typically involves opening or cleaning the tear duct.
  • The initial treatment step is to ensure the tear duct is regularly cleaned using methods recommended by the doctor to improve tear flow.
  • Surgical intervention may be considered if the blockage is not corrected or if it recurs. A surgical procedure called dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is often used to open the tear duct.

5. Regular Follow-up:

  • Regular follow-up exams after treatment are important. Your doctor will evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and diagnose any complications early.

6. Complications:

  • Untreated or inadequately treated dacryocystitis can lead to recurrent eye infections, swelling in the eye, and vision problems.

Dacryocystitis is generally treatable with a good chance of success. However, if you have symptoms or concerns, it is important to consult an eye doctor. Your doctor will assess the best treatment options for your specific situation and provide guidance.