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Sixth nerve palsy refers to a condition where the abducens nerve (sixth cranial nerve) is affected.
Amblyopia is an eye disorder, commonly known as "lazy eye".
Fourth nerve palsy refers to a condition where the trochlear nerve is affected.
Esotropia refers to a type of strabismus where one eye turns inward.
Hypertropia refers to a type of strabismus where one eye turns upward in relation to the other eye.
Hypotropia refers to a type of strabismus where one eye turns downward in relation to the other eye.
Overaction of the inferior oblique muscle refers to a condition resulting from the imbalance of eye muscles.
Nystagmus is an eye movement disorder characterized by involuntary and continuous oscillations or shaking of the eyes in incorrect directions.
Strabismus is a condition where a person's two eyes do not align with the same point of focus.
Strabismus surgery is a surgical intervention performed to correct the problem of strabismus caused by the irregular functioning of eye muscles.
Third nerve palsy refers to a condition where the third cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve) is affected.